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Is there a future in biomedical engineering?

Biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary field, and as such, a biomedical engineer can have a range of different specialties that range from electronics, optics, mechanics, materials science, basic biology, physiology, neuroscience, cardiovascular science, and other medical-related and engineering-related areas. For the type of research you describe in robotics and virtual reality, I imagine that an electrical and computer engineer can perform the job well, but a biomedical engineer with strong training in electrical and computer engineering as well as physiology and biomechanics could perform the job just as well if not better. The major advantage of a biomedical engineer over an electrical engineer in this example is the ability of the biomedical engineer to bridge the gap between fundamental knowledge of electrical engineering and the constraints of medical device design that are influenced by a patient's physiology or biomechanics. A biomedical engineer must be a bridge between basic research and patient outcomes, and thus it is critically important that you understand the fundamentals in your research area while understanding the needs of a patient and the hurdles that must be overcome to translate an idea to the clinic. Bioengineers do a range of tasks depending on their core discipline, but the main areas of biomedical engineering research are in biomaterials, biomechanics, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, medical imaging (medical physics), and to a lesser degree, genetic engineering. Bioengineers in these topics are specially trained to perform translational research (that is, research that could be translated to clinical applications). I certainly think there is a future in biomedical engineering, owing to its consistent placement as a top job in the US [1-4]. In their list of top jobs for 2015, CNNMoney classified Biomedical Engineering as the 37th best job in the US, and of the jobs in the top 37, Biomedical Engineering 10-year job growth was the third highest (27%) behind Information Assurance Analyst (37%) and Product Analyst (32%) [2]. CNN previously reported Biomedical Engineer as the top job in the US in 2012 with a predicted 10-year growth rate of nearly 62% [3]. 'Biomedical Engineer' was listed as a high-paying low-stress job according to Time magazine [4]. I don't think you'll need to worry about job placement as a biomedical engineer. However, I cannot stress how important it is to get involved with research at an early stage. Biomedical engineering is quite weak in its fundamental core curriculum, and thus you must make every effort to enrich your undergraduate BME program with elective courses from other fundamental (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry, or physiology) or engineering fields (e.g. chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, or electrical and computer engineering) undergraduate research in a biomedical engineering lab or other bio-related research lab an internship at a biomedical engineering company a strong capstone senior design project if available - put in your maximal effort to this project, as it could lead to letters of reference, patents, publications, or any number of deliverables, attributes, and learned expertise that will help your early career References: [1] The 100 Best Jobs of 2016 ; Biomedical Engineer ranks #27 [2] Best Jobs in America - CNNMoney ; Biomedical Engineer ranks #37 (2015) [3] Biomedical Engineer - Best Jobs - CNNMoney ; Biomedical Engineer ranks #1 (2012) [4] 24 High-Paying Jobs That Are Low in Stress

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