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What are the best schools in the US for biomedical engineering?

One way to judge college programs is to assess their research expenditures. Research is an incredibly important aspect of biomedical engineering, and since you will likely spend a fair bit of your time in a lab as an undergraduate, I feel like research spending is a good metric for determining the overall strength of a program. Here are the top US colleges ranked according to research expenditures per year . I cross-listed the top 12 BME programs based in the 2016 US News rankings JHU (#1 BME) UMich - Ann Arbor (#10 BME) UWisconsin - Madison UWashington (#11 BME) UC - San Diego (#7 BME) UCSF Duke (#2 BME) UCLA Stanford (#6 BME) Columbia UNC - Chapel Hill UPitt UPenn (#8 BME) UMinnesota MIT (#4 BME) Cornell Harvard Penn State Ohio State UC - Berkeley (#9 BME) UC - Davis Washington U UFlorida Texas A&M Georgia Tech (#3 BME) UTexas Yale Northwestern (#12 BME tied) USC UTexas - Austin Honorable mentions: Rice University: #5 BME Boston University: #12 BME (tied) Case Western Reserve: #12 BME (tied) As you can tell, research spending does not correlate well with the US news rankings, but it is important to recognize the overall strength of a university in terms of its research capabilities to understand the strength of a particular program. Of course, if money is an issue, you can navigate a list of the top value engineering programs .

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