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Which minor would be useful with a Biomedical engineering?

Biomedical engineering is a vast field, and it all depends on where you want to wind up. In part, I wound up at Rice University because they had both a biomedical engineering track and a joint MD/PhD program with Baylor College of Medicine. The prof that really sealed the deal for me was working on external stimulation of the optic nerve to induce synthetic vision (yeah, in 1978). At Rice, there wasnt a BME major per se, it was a focus area inside the EE department, with four undergrad and five graduate level classes. You were encouraged to take your EE requirements, with all of the focus area classes, optionally might be asked into one or more of the grad level classes by the faculy, and depending on your interests, other areas of study. Mechanical engineering was a frequent choice as understanding machine design elements and fluid dynamics was seen as important for some cases (the artificial heart and artificial gill projects, insulin pumps, etc). Biophysics, biochemistry, and material sciences were also popular as material interaction between man-made devices and the human body winds up being something worth understanding. Control theory and digital systems were also important, as frankly thats how nearly everything ends up being created. But it all gets down to what you want to be doing with your degree. If its a stepping stone to research, youre going to need an advanced degree, and frankly, whatever you take as an undergrad needs to expand your mind, not necessarily be taken with an eye towards utility. Youll learn what you need to learn on that path, regardless of what you think you need to know before you start. There arent a lot of programs with fully funded PhDs as terminal degrees - Duke, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, U Michgan, U Penn, Stanford, U Texas (Austin), and UVA all come to mind. All the other programs I know of are really area focus much like the Rice program I mentioned earlier. If thats where you want to wind up, you need to contact various programs, talk to potential faculty advisors, figure out where you want to wind up and who you want as an advisor, and do what they tell you to do. If you want to go into industry, somewhere, somehow, by hook or crook you also want to pick up 3d modeling (Maya or Blender or Solidworks) and additive manufacturing techniques. That will help you stand out in a big way. Programming things like Audrinos would also be a big plus. Good luck. Oh? Me?? I got sucked into the vortex of digital computers, which wound up being my major area in EE, with BME as my 2nd area. I eventually took all the graduate level courses while I was working on my PhD in CS (much to the irritation of my advisor), and worked on a pile of BME projects over the years. Highly recommended.

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